Saturday, November 26, 2011

anxiety attack symptoms

Fear or panic attacks that occur suddenly as a key aspect of allergic disease, psychiatric disease is new, with severe physical symptoms occur rapidly, within 3-10 minutes may occur at any time. more than half an hour with the fear that the symptoms are as follows.
Symptoms occurring in attacks (new version), this occurs without the time and place. It is difficult to predict. Some of the fears and try to avoid situations or activities that have been made new patch.
Nick allergic to calm down. Patients tend to fall into a condition that will cause fear, anxiety again. May not know how and when. Where we are awed and How much anxiety attack symptoms seems to be greater. The patient was placed in the circle of the symptoms bad.

I said as soon as the drums beat a sweat.
Chest pain, fatigue.
Difficulty in breathing, respiratory disturbances, nausea, or fullness in the stomach.
Dizziness and fainting feeling wobbly feeling like falling into a dream. Have been distorted.
Tea or her feet feel the overwhelming fear. With a sense intuitively that there are some awesome power.
Happen to own and control is not afraid to die.
Hot flushes or shivering self-control not just be crazy. Or something that is embarrassing away.

Nick Patterson disease.
Common in young adulthood. The ability to work decreased. And relationships with persons close More tension. Patients often think they have a serious heart disease or circulation to the doctor frequently. The physical examination and special tests are not unusual.

There are several factors that could cause such a combination.
1. The center of the brain and the mind with fear, sensitivity to stimuli than normal.
2. Hereditary disease may be found in the same family.
3. The attacks have occurred first. May be associated with stress in their lives. Heart disease. Some medicines or substances. Some of these may be no stimulus at all, and even though the stimulus has already been exhausted. However, patients still have attacks continue to occur.

The method of effective treatment. Is to treat patients with psychological care. Patients who have improved as much as 7 or 9 curable in 10 cases the symptoms improved. Significantly after the initiation of therapy, then 6-8 weeks, symptoms improved after medical treatment is still continuing at least six months to prevent the recurrence of symptoms, the patient should follow the advice of a doctor. Do not stop taking it immediately. Because the symptoms of patients with recurrent symptoms of old.

Instructions that should be avoided.

What to do exercises as appropriate. According to ability.
1. The disease is not life threatening. The patients are afraid.
2. Should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
3. Does not relieve the booze Or sleeping pills. The symptoms can be severe when they stop.
4. Reducing or not drink coffee, tea or drinks containing caffeine. All types of cola.
5. Exercise reasonable as possible.
6. When the symptoms abate, then you should go out to face the situation that I fear. Activities and try to avoid. Starting with a small but steady increments.
7. Practicing relaxation techniques. To reduce the level of tension.

Control of breathing exercises for relaxation.
1. Lie comfortably on the bed. The area is peaceful.
2. Coordinate both hands placed on the abdomen is tense. Chest and shoulder muscles to relax.
3. Inhale slowly and observe the breath and focus on the movement of breath through the nose into the full depth of the belly expands. The feeling of being lifted up both hands and shoulders to move more slowly.
4. When fully breathe in slowly counting 1,2,3.
5. Relax and observe your breath out slowly. And concentrate on the movement of the breath moving through the nostrils and flatten the stomach. Hands down.
6. When I breathe out slowly until the count 1,2,3.
7. Began to inhale and exhale vice versa. Intermittent basis for at least 10 times.
8. When we could sit at the back seat comfortably. Both hands placed together in the groin or abdomen. The same way you control of breathing in the face in all respects.

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